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Scuba Mask
Cressi Regulator service
Zeagle Regulator service


We offer annual regulator servicing for our Cressi and Zeagle Brands. Scuba regulators are required to be annually serviced by a factory authorized technician.

 Regulator Servicing includes:

  • All equipment is serviced with original manufacturer parts.

  • All equipment is assembled and torqued to manufacturer specifications.

  • All equipment is internally and externally inspected for wear and damage.

  • All equipment is cleaned: plastic/rubber parts with soap and water, and metal parts are sonic cleaned using the manufacturer's recommended cleaning solution for the specific brand of regulator.

  • All equipment is set-up and adjusted to original specifications.

  • All regulator stages are adjusted with a modern breathing machine to set up the seats.

  • All regulator stages are retested and final adjustments are made.

  • Wet Testing to check for leaks ETC.

  • Finally, Full Documentation supplied to the customer


  • Feel free to call us and we will be happy to let you know the cost of parts prior to servicing so there are no hidden fees. Also, if you live a little far away that's not an issue. We accept regulators in the mail (cost of shipping and return will be paid for by the customer).

  • If anything pops up during our servicing that needs replaced, and is not covered under normal annual servicing, we will always call the customer first to ensure that is acceptable. We will never increase a price or replace a part that is not included in the manufacturer's service kit without asking first!!

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